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Gummee - Behind the Scenes

  • What is the Best Baby Shower Gift?

    If you've ever found yourself wondering what is the best baby shower gift? — you’re in the right place! Choosing the perfect present can feel like ...
  • Parental Mental Health: Health Anxiety

    Parent Mental Health day takes place this year on Thursday 30th January, however it is a topic that we think should be discussed every day and when...
  • Teething Troubles? Here’s How to Soothe Your Baby

    Teething. It’s one of those stages that sneaks up on you—one day, they’re all smiles, and the next, you’re greeted by drool, flushed cheeks, chewi...
  • A Parent’s Guide to Sterilising Baby Bottles: Different Methods Explained

    One question we receive probably more than any other, is; ‘What is the best way to sterilise my baby’s teethers?’ In this blog post, we’ll talk thr...
  • UK guide to baby teething stages

    Have you found yourself researching topics such as:   Is my baby teething? How long does teething last in babies? Are my baby’s teeth coming throug...
  • Coping with Mum Guilt: Embrace Your Journey with Compassion

    As mums, we often find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of endless to-do lists, from feeding and nappy changes to managing work and household chores. Amidst this busy life, a silent companion often lingers in the background: mum guilt. It's that nagging feeling that whispers, "Am I doing enough? Am I a good mum?"...
  • Summer Safety: Keeping Your Baby Cool and Protected

    Introduction As the warmer summer months creep up on us, parents gear up for outdoor adventures with their little ones. However, ensuring your...
  • Top Baby-Friendly Holiday Destinations in the UK: Where to Make Precious Memories

    Traveling with a baby can be a daunting prospect, but with the right destination and a it of planning, it can also be a wonderful opportunity to cr...
  • Traveling with Baby: A Guide to Smooth Adventures

    Traveling with a baby can seem like a stressful and daunting task, but with the right preparation and mindset, it can be a rewarding experience for...
  • Maternal Mental Health and the Journey Through Health Anxiety

    'Nothing could’ve prepared me for the tidal wave of fear that came next. Looking back now, I know it was health anxiety. For me, it was an all consuming fear that I was going to lose my son. For the first two weeks at home after leaving the hospital, I didn’t sleep. I obviously must have gotten enough sleep for my survival but I don’t recall sleeping. I recall lying next to my sons crib, watching his every breath and quietly sobbing that I might lose him if I fall asleep. He had a breathing detector mat underneath him and a camera above his cot with a screen next to my bed so that I could see him, even though I was right next to him.'
  • Understanding Baby's Gums: A Guide to Teething

    Introduction: Teething is a significant developmental milestone in a baby's life, marking the eruption of their primary teeth through the gums. Whi...
  • Night-time Teething Woes: Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep

    Introduction: Teething is a milestone that every baby goes through, but it can be a challenging time for everyone in the household, especially when...